Highlife Mp3

Rushawn & The Kiffness – It’s A Beautiful Day

It’s A Beautiful Day by Rushawn & The Kiffness. You are going to download and listen to a song called “It’s A Beautiful Day,” composed by the one and only “Rushawn & The Kiffness,” is a pretty crazy jam that was well-crafted, and I’m sure that after hearing it, you’ll feel the same way.

The fact that the instrumental hit hard and the final mix was fire is a clear indication that the producer and sound engineer executed their duties correctly.

Released On: 2022
Originator: Rushawn & The Kiffness
Song Title: It’s A Beautiful Day
wordsmith: Röcky
Last Edited: 1 Minutes Ago

The musician was very excited to announce the release of this song, “It’s A Beautiful Day” to all the listeners on Instagram and other social media sites… You can listen to it on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming services.

Listen below!